authorities - définition. Qu'est-ce que authorities
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est authorities - définition

Legal authority; Authorities; The Authority: Revolution; The Authority

governmental officials
civil, civilian; government; local; military; occupation authorities
·pl of Authority.
n. 1) previous decisions by courts of appeal which provide legal guidance to a court on questions in a current lawsuit, which are called "precedents." Legal briefs (written arguments) are often called "points and authorities." Thus, a lawyer "cites" the previously decided cases as "authorities" for his/her legal positions. 2) a common term for law enforcement, as in "I'm going to call the authorities" (i.e. police). See also: brief cite decision precedent


Authority (disambiguation)

Authority is the power to command.

Authority or The Authority may also refer to:

Exemples de prononciation pour authorities
1. authorities.
The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels _ Alex Epstein _ Talks at Google
2. authorities.
Smuggler Nation - How Illicit Trade Made America _ Peter Andreas _ Talks Google
3. US authorities, and Chinese authorities.
Sea of Shadows _ Richard Ladkani, Andrea Crosta & Jack Hutton _ Talks at Google
4. Supervisory Authorities.
Bringing Down the Banking System - Lessons from Iceland _ Gudrun Johnsen _ Talks at Google
5. using existing authorities.
Department of Energy _ Secretary Ernest Moniz _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour authorities
1. Michielsen said Egyptian authorities sent a letter to Belgian authorities in mid–July, which Belgian authorities answered Aug. 5 by saying the diplomats did not damage any fossils.
2. Now, authorities are working against authorities in what resembles an enormous internal affairs investigation.
3. While critical of China on human rights, Bush has not hectored authorities in Beijing. authorities.
4. Authorities called on FYROM authorities to distance itself from the perpetrators of the vandalism.
5. Canadian authorities arrested Diab last week, at the request of French authorities.